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Motivating your staff to sell retail

'Stylists are not salespeople!' The timeless statement that every salon owner has either heard, muttered to others, and most of the time, come to accept. The reality is there is a little salesperson in each of us. So how can you bring out the sales person in your staff?
October 29, 2016

Five tips for fabulous festive marketing

Getting started today will help ensure your marketing makes a big impact these holidays, and with some careful planning, your promotions will even continue to reap rewards into the New Year! Here’s some of our favourite ideas to help make this Christmas extra merry.
September 8, 2016

The ultimate guide to getting more referrals

Did you know every new client is worth about $530 per year? And that most salons bring in around 1100 new customers each year? Imagine if you could increase the number of new clients you bring in by just 10%. You can! Just follow these four simple steps.
September 2, 2016

The one question you should be asking yourself

As a salon owner and stylist, I spent years being frustrated at my lack of performance in building my business. I mean I was doing alright, but I couldn’t help feeling it should have been easier. It is possible to make things simpler if you just yourself one question.
August 22, 2016

Why it’s time to let go

Ever wished you could squeeze more hours into your day? Do you worry that you're spending too much time working in your business, and not enough time working on it? Believe it or not, sometimes the best approach is to just let go!
August 11, 2016

The ABCs of an effective front desk

A well-managed and efficient front desk is the hub around which your entire salon revolves. When things are flowing smoothly at the front desk, everything else seems just that little bit more effortless. It’s as easy as ABC!
August 7, 2016

The top five emails you should be sending today

One-off promotions can be a great way to get quick wins, but it’s the ongoing campaigns you send year-round that have the biggest impact on your business and client relationships. So, what are the five most important email campaigns you should be sending right now?
August 4, 2016

Online mistakes you might not know you’re making

Sometimes when you’re running a business, there are so many things that need your attention it feels like you’d give a professional juggler a run for their money. Creating a great online presence might not be at the top of your list, but perhaps it should be.
July 9, 2016

Quick wins for your marketing campaigns

Ever feel like your marketing is all effort, no reward? Do you spend hours dreaming up the perfect promo, only to discover that it falls completely flat with your clients? Don’t despair, we have some quick wins that will improve your results in no time at all!
July 7, 2016

Boosting retail sales at the front desk

Want to sell more retail? Cultivating a sales-focused front desk team is a great place to start. Your front desk is one of the most important parts of your business, so what are the most effective ways to turn your front desk into a powerful retail sales force?
June 9, 2016

Stay safe online

From viruses to internet scams, exploring the world wide web can seem like risky business! The good news is, it doesn't have to be. There are some simple steps you can take to ensure you and your business are protected.
May 20, 2016

Why marketing is a balancing act

In today’s world, we are constantly distracted by hundreds of different messages. Whether it’s checking work emails or scrolling through your Facebook news feed, every spare moment is filled with stimulation. As a result, our attention spans becoming shorter, and we are becoming harder to connect with.
May 10, 2016

Point of Sale secrets

If you think that your Shortcuts Point of Sale system is just for transactions, you can think again. Read on to learn some Point of Sale tips and tricks you might not already know about that are guaranteed to make your life easier!
May 9, 2016

Five ways to make it easy to love you

One of the most common mistakes you can make as a business owner is unintentionally making it hard for clients to find, book and return to you. You need to start thinking about convenience as an essential ingredient in the customer experience. Here are five key places to start.
May 5, 2016

Why do salon owners put off increasing their prices?

Posted on 3rd May 2016 by Steve Hilliard It’s a fair question if you think about it. As a salon owner you hopefully love your work, love your staff, love your brand and you love your clients! With so much love flying around, why would you be afraid of putting your prices up? The most common answer I’m given when I ask salon owners this question is … “because I’m afraid of upsetting or even losing my clients.” With the provision that you’re good enough at what you do, you might well lose a few customers if you put your prices up, but trust me when I say … these are ones you needed to lose anyway and the additional profit you make from your higher prices will make up for the few clients you lose, many times over. Plus if you train your team to introduce a level down so the price stays around the same. Your most common service is probably a cut & finish with your most common colour service probably partial and tinting roots. These would be the services you should increase and see how much…
May 3, 2016

Anna’s formula for success

"These days, my role is essentially to ensure the business continues to move forward. This includes training and nurturing staff to help them perform at their very best, overseeing the financial management of the business, and strategic marketing."
April 21, 2016