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How to grow your very own A-Team

How to grow your very own A-Team

“We’re a people business.” How often do you hear that phrase? But it’s so, so true! Your clients mean everything to your salon, spa or barber business and focusing on their experience is always top priority.

But don’t forget your staff are also a huge part of your success. Whether you already have a solid team to back you up or you’re still working on finding the sweet spot, there are a few things to keep in mind to grow an A-Team.

1. Focus on team happiness

Are your staff motivated and eager to help around the business? Do they love coming up with fresh, creative ideas for your clients and suggest new things? Do they get along well with their fellow stylists or therapists? A team that isn’t 100% happy won’t be the productive client pleasers that you need them to be.
Even the smallest things, like making time to listen to their troubles, encouraging friendships in the work place, or helping staff see their progress if they have doubts will have your team walking into the salon with a pep in their step.

2. Create a training program

You may have your eye on growing the size of your team, but don’t forget growing your team also means investing in the employees you already have and playing a part in their personal and professional growth.

Ensure that you invest in training days so they can learn new techniques and skills for your clients. And if you ever have a new starter, make sure you buddy them up with your experienced stylists so they can learn proper processes in your salon, spa or barber business quick sticks.

3. Recognise and reward

This may be a no-brainer, but the happiest employees are the ones who feel appreciated and recognised for their hard work. They’re also the ones that put in the most effort. It’s easy to remember to praise individual team members if you have a small team, but once you start to grow and your attention is split 1000 different ways, compliments start to take a back seat.

If you’re finding it increasingly difficult to praise your staff in between juggling clients, suppliers and day-to-day business, then make it a habit to say thanks in your weekly or fortnightly staff meetings. If you noticed someone was performing particularly well, make note of it and address it in the meeting. Just a quick few words of praise will mean more than you think to your team member.